Atlantis is a British TV show inspired by the legend of Atlantis and Greek mythology, which premiered in September 2013. The first season comprised 13 episodes, and the first episode of
the second season aired in November 2014. Six episodes were aired before Christmas, with the final seven episodes screened in the first half of 2015.
Disappointingly, after filming of the second season had wrapped up, the BBC confirmed it would not be commissioning a third series of Atlantis. As a result, the double length season two finale ended with a cliff-hanger that will remain unresolved. Why, having made the decision to cancel the show, couldn't the BBC have re-edited the finale, shooting a few extra scenes if necessary? This way, at least, the show would have concluded in a sensible fashion, and wouldn't have featured teasers for a third season that will never happen.
All the autographs in my Atlantis collection have been obtained TTM or at UK conventions.
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